String Padding in VBScript

I’ve frequently found myself needing to pad text strings with other text when putting together VBScripts. Typically this is with regards to time related outputs (pre-fixing with zeroes), or numeric outputs for things like filenames (again prefixing with zeroes). Occasionally I need to do more advanced padding and so I created a set of code to add to my code library to cover a wider set of padding circumstances including not only pre-fixing, but also post-fixing variable length strings … and even bo th together.

The code below provides three functions that are the simplest way of making use of the underlying functions. These are as follows:

  • PostPadString() - adds characters to the end of the original string to create a new string of the specified length.
  • PrePadString() - adds characters to the start of the original string to create a new string of the specified length.
  • CentraliseString() - adds characters as evenly as possible to the start and end of the original string to create a new string of the specified length.

After the main code block I’ve included some simple message box calls to demonstrate how these are used, but there is one thing to note first. Within the more generic PadString() function are two constants - PRIORITY_PREFIX and TRUNCATE_ENABLED.

PRIORITY_PREFIX is used by the script to determine which side of the string should be weighted when trying to pad both ends. For example I have an original string of characters “abc” which I want to extend to be six characters long and centralise using hyphens. So should the script output “–abc-“ or “-abc–”? Well, that’s up to you. By setting the PRIORITY_PREFIX constant to TRUE you would get the first result where the final hyphen addition is made to the start of the centralised string. Setting it to FALSE would consequently provide the alternative result.

TRUNCATE_ENABLED is used by the script to determine what to do if the original string supplied is too long. Do you want to return the original string intact or is it more important to return a string of the right length and just return the first characters of the string up to the length of the string requested. When TRUNCATE_ENABLED is set to TRUE a truncated string will be returned.

So here’s the script. It has a few comments in it to help describe what’s going on.

Option Explicit

Function PostPadString(p_strOriginal, p_strPadWith, p_strFinalLength)
    PostPadString = PadString(p_strOriginal, p_strPadWith, p_strFinalLength, False, True)
End Function

Function PrePadString(p_strOriginal, p_strPadWith, p_strFinalLength)
    PrePadString = PadString(p_strOriginal, p_strPadWith, p_strFinalLength, True, False)
End Function

Function CentraliseString(p_strOriginal, p_strPadWith, p_strFinalLength)
    CentraliseString = PadString(p_strOriginal, p_strPadWith, p_strFinalLength, True, True)
End Function

Function PadString(p_strOriginal, p_strPadWith, p_strFinalLength, p_boolPadBefore, p_boolPadAfter)
    'Function defaults
    Const PRIORITY_PREFIX = True        'If we're prefixing and post fixing, does prefixing take priority?
    Const TRUNCATE_ENABLED = True       'If the original string is too long, truncate it.

    Dim intPrefixChars, intPostfixChars

    'First check if the string is too long.
    If len(p_strOriginal) > p_strFinalLength Then
            PadString = left(p_strOriginal, p_strFinalLength)
            PadString = p_strOriginal
        End If
        'MsgBox p_boolPadBefore, 0, "p_boolPadBefore"
        'MsgBox p_boolPadAfter, 0, "p_boolPadAfter"

        'Calculate the number of characters to prefix and postfix
        If p_boolPadBefore = p_boolPadAfter then
            If p_boolPadBefore then
                If IsEven(p_strFinalLength - len(p_strOriginal)) then
                    'Even split
                    intPrefixChars = (p_strFinalLength - len(p_strOriginal))/2
                    intPostfixChars = intPrefixChars
                    'Uneven split
                    intPrefixChars = (p_strFinalLength - len(p_strOriginal) - 1)/2
                    intPostfixChars = intPrefixChars

                    If PRIORITY_PREFIX then
                        intPrefixChars = intPrefixChars + 1
                        intPostfixChars = intPostfixChars + 1
                    End If
                End If
                'No padding is to be done so set both to zero
                intPrefixChars = 0
                intPostfixChars = 0
            End If
            'Only one is true so it is nice and simple, we just want to either prefix or postfix all characters
            If p_boolPadBefore then
                intPrefixChars = p_strFinalLength - len(p_strOriginal)
                intPostfixChars = 0
                intPrefixChars = 0
                intPostfixChars = p_strFinalLength - len(p_strOriginal)
            End If
        End If

        'Do the padding
        PadString = GenerateString(p_strPadWith, intPrefixChars) & p_strOriginal & GenerateString(p_strPadWith, intPostfixChars)
    End If
End Function

Function GenerateString(p_strCharacters, p_intLength)
    GenerateString = ""
    'Keep appending the character string until we have equalled or exceeded the required length
    While len(GenerateString) < p_intLength
        GenerateString = GenerateString & p_strCharacters

    'If we've exceeded the length, truncate it
    GenerateString = left(GenerateString, p_intLength)
End Function

Function IsEven(p_intNumber)
    If p_intNumber Mod 2 = 0 Then
        IsEven = True
        IsEven = False
    End If
End Function

The code below provides an example of each of the three functions with the same original string, a multi-character padding string and equal size requirement. Each string is also delimited by asterisks to help visualise what is happening.

MsgBox "*" & PostPadString("Original", "$%^", 15) & "*"
MsgBox "*" & PrePadString("Original", "$%^", 15) & "*"
MsgBox "*" & CentraliseString("Original", "$%^", 15) & "*"

This might be overkill for many scenarios where you may just need to round out a number to two digits or the like, but having a more sophisticated script in hand may just help with those more complicated string padding requirements that crop up from time to time.

Author: Stephen Millard
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