Alfred - Bypass for Shortcuts

Welcome to this documentation page for Bypass - an Apple Shortcuts workflow for Alfred, the popular launcher and automation application for macOS.

What is Bypass?

Bypass is an Alfred workflow I created for working with the Apple Shortcuts app on the Mac. It provides a variety of ways in which to interact with Shortcuts and since introducing it in November 2021, I have continued to develop it - to the point where it deserved it’s own documentation page.

Its primary purpose is to allow you to launch your Shortcuts workflows (known as shortcuts) from Alfred, potentially even passing in content to be processed. Bypass contains a number of keyword, external trigger and universal action triggers to enable this. However, I have also added additional functionality to help you query shortcuts and build out new ways to use them.

Download Bypass

Latest Version: 1.5.2



Bypass offers a breadth of functionality, and this has been broken down into a number of sections.

Running Shortcuts

The ability to run a shortcut from Alfred was the key driver when this Alfred workflow was first created.

Run Shortcut

Keyword Trigger: scrun or sc Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and run it. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Run Shortcut With Input

Keyword Trigger: scruni
Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and run it. You are also prompted for text to pass as input to the shortcut.

Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder

Keyword Trigger: scrunf
Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder and run it. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input

Keyword Trigger: scrunfi
Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder, then capture some text input, and run the shortcut with the text as input to be processed by the shortcut.

Run Shortcut By Name

External Trigger: scrun
Allows you to specify a shortcut by name (passed in as the “{query}”), and run it. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Run Shortcut By Name With Input

External Trigger: scruni
Allows you to run a shortcut with text input by passing in the input as {query}, and setting the shortcut name via the variable shortcut2run.

Run Shortcut on Text/URL

Universal Action Trigger: Send to a shortcut
Sends selected text or URL to a shortcut as input to be processed. A shortcut is selected from all available shortcuts, and the content is passed to the shortcut as input to be processed.

Run Shortcut on File

Universal Action Trigger: Send file to a shortcut
Sends selected file to a shortcut as input to be processed. A shortcut is selected from all available shortcuts, and the content is passed to the shortcut as input to be processed.

Manage Shortcuts

As well as running shortcuts, Bypass also allows you to quickly access shortcuts for editing.

Open Shortcut For Editing

Keyword Trigger: scedit
Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and open it for editing.

Open Shortcut From a Specific Folder For Editing

Keyword Trigger: sceditf
Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder and open it for editing.

Open Shortcut For Editing by Name

External Trigger: scedit
Allows you to specify a shortcut by name (passed in as the “{query}”) and open it for editing.

Information About Shortcuts

Bypass allows you to query the system about the shortcuts and structures that are available.

Copy Shortcut Names

Keyword Trigger: sccopy
External Trigger: sccopy
Copies an alphabetically sorted list of all shortcut names to the system clipboard.

Copy Shortcut Folder Names

Keyword Trigger: scfcopy
External Trigger: scfcopy
Copies an alphabetically sorted list of all Shortcuts folder names to the system clipboard.

Copy Shortcuts Information

Keyword Trigger: scinfo
External Trigger: scinfo
Copies a set of Shortcuts information to the system clipboard. This includes alphabetical listings of folders, shortcuts within folders, shortcuts not in folders, and counts of shortcuts within folders, no-folders and total.

Scripting Shortcuts

Bypass not only helps you interact directly with Shortcuts, but it also supports you when you are creating ways to run shortcuts from other locations, through URL calls, shell commands, and AppleScript.

Copy URL to Run Shortcut

Keyword Trigger: scurl
Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and copy the URL to run it to the system clipboard. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Copy URL to Run Shortcut With Input

Keyword Trigger: scurli
Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and copy the URL to run it to the system clipboard. You are also prompted for text to pass as input to the shortcut that is then included in the URL.

Copy URL to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder

Keyword Trigger: scurlf
Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder and copy the URL to run it to the system clipboard. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Copy URL to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input

Keyword Trigger: scurlfi
Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder, then capture some text input, and copy the URL to run the shortcut with the text as input to be processed by the shortcut.

Copy URL to Run Shortcut By Name

External Trigger: scurl
Allows you to specify a shortcut by name (passed in as the “{query}”), and copy the URL to run it. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Copy URL to Run Shortcut By Name With Input

External Trigger: scurli
Allows you to copy the URL to run a shortcut with text input by passing in the input as {query}, and setting the shortcut name via the variable shortcut2run.

Copy Shell Command to Run Shortcut

Keyword Trigger: scsh
Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and copy the shell command to run it to the system clipboard. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Copy Shell Command to Run Shortcut With Input

Keyword Trigger: scshi
Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and copy the shell command to run it to the system clipboard. You are also prompted for text to pass as input to the shortcut that is then included in the command.

Copy Shell Command to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder

Keyword Trigger: scshf
Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder and copy the shell command to run it to the system clipboard. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Copy Shell Command to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input

Keyword Trigger: scshfi
Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder, then capture some text input, and copy the shell command to run the shortcut with the text as input to be processed by the shortcut.

Copy Shell Command to Run Shortcut By Name

External Trigger: scsh
Allows you to specify a shortcut by name (passed in as the “{query}”), and copy the shell command to run it. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Copy Shell Command to Run Shortcut By Name With Input

External Trigger: scshi
Allows you to copy the shell command to run a shortcut with text input by passing in the input as {query}, and setting the shortcut name via the variable shortcut2run.

Copy AppleScript to Run Shortcut

Keyword Trigger: scas
Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and copy the AppleScript code to run it to the system clipboard. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Copy AppleScript to Run Shortcut With Input

Keyword Trigger: scasi
Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and copy the AppleScript code to run it to the system clipboard. You are also prompted for text to pass as input to the shortcut that is then included in the code.

Copy AppleScript to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder

Keyword Trigger: scasf
Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder and copy the AppleScript code to run it to the system clipboard. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Copy AppleScript to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input

Keyword Trigger: scasfi
Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder, then capture some text input, and copy the AppleScript code to run the shortcut with the text as input to be processed by the shortcut.

Copy AppleScript to Run Shortcut By Name

External Trigger: scas
Allows you to specify a shortcut by name (passed in as the “{query}”), and copy the AppleScript code to run it. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Copy AppleScript to Run Shortcut By Name With Input

External Trigger: scasi
Allows you to copy the AppleScript code to run a shortcut with text input by passing in the input as {query}, and setting the shortcut name via the variable shortcut2run.

Insert URL to Run Shortcut

Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and insert the URL to run it at the current cursor position. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Insert URL to Run Shortcut With Input

Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and insert the URL to run it at the current cursor position. You are also prompted for text to pass as input to the shortcut that is then included in the URL.

Insert URL to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder

Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder and insert the URL to run it at the current cursor position. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Insert URL to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input

Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder, then capture some text input, and insert the URL to run it at the current cursor position with the text as input to be processed by the shortcut.

Insert URL to Run Shortcut By Name

External Trigger: scurlpaste
Allows you to specify a shortcut by name (passed in as the “{query}”), and insert the URL to run it at the current cursor position. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Insert URL to Run Shortcut By Name With Input

External Trigger: scurlipaste
Allows you to insert the URL to run it at the current cursor position to run a shortcut with text input by passing in the input as {query}, and setting the shortcut name via the variable shortcut2run.

Insert Shell Command to Run Shortcut

Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and insert the shell command to run it at the current cursor position. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Insert Shell Command to Run Shortcut With Input

Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and insert the shell command to run it at the current cursor position. You are also prompted for text to pass as input to the shortcut that is then included in the command.

Insert Shell Command to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder

Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder and insert the shell command to run it at the current cursor position to run it to the system clipboard. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Insert Shell Command to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input

Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder, then capture some text input, and insert the shell command to run it at the current cursor position to run the shortcut with the text as input to be processed by the shortcut.

Insert Shell Command to Run Shortcut By Name

External Trigger: scshpaste
Allows you to specify a shortcut by name (passed in as the “{query}”), and insert the shell command to run it at the current cursor position to run it. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Insert Shell Command to Run Shortcut By Name With Input

External Trigger: scshipaste
Allows you to insert the shell command to run it at the current cursor position to run a shortcut with text input by passing in the input as {query}, and setting the shortcut name via the variable shortcut2run.

Insert AppleScript to Run Shortcut

Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and insert the AppleScript code to run it at the current cursor position to run it to the system clipboard. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Insert AppleScript to Run Shortcut With Input

Allows you to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and insert the AppleScript code to run it at the current cursor position to run it to the system clipboard. You are also prompted for text to pass as input to the shortcut that is then included in the code.

Insert AppleScript to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder

Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder and insert the AppleScript code to run it at the current cursor position to run it to the system clipboard. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Insert AppleScript to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input

Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from within that folder, then capture some text input, and insert the AppleScript code to run it at the current cursor position to run the shortcut with the text as input to be processed by the shortcut.

Insert AppleScript to Run Shortcut By Name

External Trigger: scaspaste
Allows you to specify a shortcut by name (passed in as the “{query}”), and insert the AppleScript code to run it at the current cursor position to run it. The shortcut does not receive any input.

Insert AppleScript to Run Shortcut By Name With Input

External Trigger: scasipaste
Allows you to insert the AppleScript code to run it at the current cursor position to run a shortcut with text input by passing in the input as {query}, and setting the shortcut name via the variable shortcut2run.

Insert PopClip Snippet Installation Script to Run Shortcut

Allows you to select a shortcut all available Shortcuts folders, and insert a script at the current cursor position that can be used by PopClip to add a snippet to run a Shortcut. You can edit the details such as the name and icon before installing if you wish, but these are defaulted to the script name and the first character of the script name respectively.

Insert PopClip Snippet Installation Script to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder

Allows you to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, select a Shortcut in that folder, and insert a script at the current cursor position that can be used by PopClip to add a snippet to run a Shortcut. You can edit the details such as the name and icon before installing if you wish, but these are defaulted to the script name and the first character of the script name respectively.

Insert PopClip Snippet Installation Script to Run Shortcut By Name

External Trigger: scpop
Allows you to specify a shortcut by name (passed in as the “{query}”), and insert a script for that shortcut at the current cursor position that can be used by PopClip to add a snippet to run a Shortcut. You can edit the details such as the name and icon before installing if you wish, but these are defaulted to the script name and the first character of the script name respectively.

Meta Flows

There are some flows that are about working more generally with Shortcuts and Bypass, and do not fit neatly within the other categories. They have simply been gathered together under this one.

Get Shortcut Icon Extractor Shortcut

Keyword Trigger: sciconextractor
To extract the icon of a shortcut, Bypass utilises a Shortcuts shortcut. However, this can’t currently be bundled and run with the Alfred workflow. Instead, the user has to download the shortcut and load it into his/her Shortcuts library. Running this flow will open the download/install page for the shortcut.

When the shortcut is installed, the user is prompted to select a location where extracted icons will be placed. Extracted icons are named after the shortcut, and will overwrite previous icon files of the same name, so it is important that your shortcuts are uniquely named, but that goes for being able to run them too.

Extract Shortcut Icon

Keyword Trigger: scicon
External Trigger: scicon
Triggering this workflow will attempt to export the icon for a shortcut. When run via a keyword you can filter through a list of available shortcuts, whereas for the external trigger you must pass in the exact name of the shortcut via the query.

The workflow checks that the custom shortcut used for extracting shortcut icons is installed. It does this by checking for the existence of the shortcut name held in the SaveShortcutIcons environment variable - so if you happen to rename or build your own version of the shortcut, this is the variable that you would need to modify. If the shortcut is not installed, a dialog will be displayed informing you it must be installed, and it will then proceed to the download page for the custom shortcut. At that point, the flow will stop and no icon will be extracted.

If the icon extraction shortcut is available, it will then be executed and the icon for the specified shortcut will be saved to the folder specified in the shortcut - a location specified when you install and configure the shortcut.

Bypass Help

Keyword Trigger: schelp
This flow will provide a list of websites that can be automatically opened in the default browser. The websites provide help for the use of Bypass and Shortcuts.

Elgato Stream Deck and Shortcuts

The Elgato Stream Deck is a micro-keyboard with LCD screens on the buttons. Through the Stream Deck software and plugins you can configure the Stream Deck to dynamically perform a variety of operations and it makes a great automation tool. One of the things you can do using Bypass is to easily set-up a Stream Deck with actions to run shortcuts. This utilises some inbuilt scripting in Bypass, as well as an optional custom shortcut for extracting icons for shortcuts.

More information on Bypass’ support for Elgato Stream Deck users is available in this blog post.

Stream Deck - Automatically Extract Shortcut Icon

Keyword Trigger: scsdauto
Utilising a special shortcut icon extractor shortcut, Bypass can save the icon for a specified shortcut. This extraction can be incorporated into the Stream Deck command generation flows described in this section. Icons will be extracted when the AutoExtractIcon environment variable is set to 1.

This flow is a convenience function saving you from maintaining the value in the environment variable settings for the workflow. Running this flow will toggle the value of the variable between 1 and 0. Note, that when you begin to trigger the flow you will see in the flow’s subtitle the current value of the variable.

Stream Deck Open Command - Run Shortcut

Place the cursor in a Stream Deck Open action’s “File/App” field and type in the trigger snippet to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and insert a command to run it into the field. The shortcut does not receive any input.

If the AutoExtractIcon environment variable (see Stream Deck - Automatically Extract Shortcut Icon) is set to 1, the action will also attempt to run a Shortcuts shortcut to export the icon for the specified shortcut. This is via the scicon external trigger.

Stream Deck Open Command - Run Shortcut With Input

Place the cursor in a Stream Deck Open action’s “File/App” field and type in the trigger snippet to select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and insert a command to run it into the field. You are also prompted for text to pass as input to the shortcut that is then included in the command.

If the AutoExtractIcon environment variable (see Stream Deck - Automatically Extract Shortcut Icon) is set to 1, the action will also attempt to run a Shortcuts shortcut to export the icon for the specified shortcut. This is via the scicon external trigger.

Stream Deck Open Command - Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder

Place the cursor in a Stream Deck Open action’s “File/App” field and type in the trigger snippet to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and insert a command to run it into the field. The shortcut does not receive any input.

If the AutoExtractIcon environment variable (see Stream Deck - Automatically Extract Shortcut Icon) is set to 1, the action will also attempt to run a Shortcuts shortcut to export the icon for the specified shortcut. This is via the scicon external trigger.

Stream Deck Open Command - Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input

Place the cursor in a Stream Deck Open action’s “File/App” field and type in the trigger snippet to select a shortcut folder from all available Shortcuts folders, then select a shortcut from all available shortcuts and insert a command to run it into the field. You are also prompted for text to pass as input to the shortcut that is then included in the command.

If the AutoExtractIcon environment variable (see Stream Deck - Automatically Extract Shortcut Icon) is set to 1, the action will also attempt to run a Shortcuts shortcut to export the icon for the specified shortcut. This is via the scicon external trigger.

Stream Deck Open Command - Run Alfred External Call

Place the cursor in a Stream Deck Open action’s “File/App” field and type in the trigger snippet. You will then be prompted to enter the name for an Alfred external trigger, followed by the bundle ID for the workflow the external trigger is available in. Bypass then inserts a command into the field that the Stream Deck can use to call the flow linked to the external trigger.

This utilises an AppleScript application as other methods were being blocked by the macOS security options - which were not shown to the end user due to background processing. Handing off to the AppleScript application allows it to prompt for control of Alfred is not available, and to then interact with Alfred to call the external trigger.


This section contains bonus features. These features are not specific to working with Shortcuts, but do enhance what is possible using Bypass.

Insert Run Alfred External Call

Place the cursor in a field and type in the trigger snippet. You will then be prompted to enter the name for an Alfred external trigger, followed by the bundle ID for the workflow the external trigger is available in. Bypass then inserts an open command into the field that the Stream Deck can use to call the flow linked to the external trigger.


There are a variety of ways to access different functionality included in Bypass.


Keyword triggers are text entered directly into the Alfred window to trigger a flow.

Keyword Functionality
sc Run Shortcut
scrun Run Shortcut
scruni Run Shortcut With Input
scrunf Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder
scrunfi Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input
scedit Open Shortcut For Editing
sceditf Open Shortcut From a Specific Folder For Editing
sccopy Copy Shortcut Names
scfcopy Copy Shortcut Folder Names
scinfo Copy Shortcuts Information
scurl Copy URL to Run Shortcut
scurli Copy URL to Run Shortcut With Input
scurlf Copy URL to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder
scurlfi Copy URL to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input
scsh Copy Shell Command to Run Shortcut
scshi Copy Shell Command to Run Shortcut With Input
scshf Copy Shell Command to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder
scshfi Copy Shell Command to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input
scas Copy AppleScript to Run Shortcut
scasi Copy AppleScript to Run Shortcut With Input
scasf Copy AppleScript to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder
scasfi Copy AppleScript to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input
sciconextractor Get Shortcut Icon Extractor Shortcut
scicon Extract Shortcut Icon
schelp Bypass Help

Universal Action

Universal actions are initiated via Alfred’s universal action hot key, and trigger a flow with the context as input.

Action Name Functionality
Send to a shortcut Run Shortcut on Text/URL
Send file to a shortcut Run Shortcut on File


Snippets are entered into any text field and trigger a flow.

Insert URL to Run Shortcut
Insert URL to Run Shortcut With Input
Insert URL to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder
Insert URL to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input
Insert Shell Command to Run Shortcut
Insert Shell Command to Run Shortcut With Input
Insert Shell Command to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder
Insert Shell Command to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input
Insert AppleScript to Run Shortcut
Insert AppleScript to Run Shortcut With Input
Insert AppleScript to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder
Insert AppleScript to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input
Stream Deck Open Command - Run Shortcut
Stream Deck Open Command - Run Shortcut With Input
Stream Deck Open Command - Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder
Stream Deck Open Command - Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder With Input
Insert PopClip Snippet Installation Script to Run Shortcut
Insert PopClip Snippet Installation Script to Run Shortcut From a Specific Folder
Stream Deck Open Command - Run Alfred External Call
Insert Run Alfred External Call


External triggers can be used within any Alfred workflow to call a flow in Bypass, or even externally through a AppleScript call.

External Functionality
scrun Run Shortcut By Name
scruni Run Shortcut By Name With Input
scedit Open Shortcut For Editing By Name
sccopy Copy Shortcut Names
scfcopy Copy Shortcut Folder Names
scinfo Copy Shortcuts Information
scurl Copy URL to Run Shortcut By Name
scurli Copy URL to Run Shortcut By Name With Input
scsh Copy Shell Command to Run Shortcut By Name
scshi Copy Shell Command to Run Shortcut By Name With Input
scas Copy AppleScript to Run Shortcut By Name
scasi Copy AppleScript to Run Shortcut By Name With Input
scurlpaste Insert URL to Run Shortcut By Name
scurli Insert URL to Run Shortcut By Name With Input
scsh Insert Shell Command to Run Shortcut By Name
scshi Insert Shell Command to Run Shortcut By Name With Input
scas Insert AppleScript to Run Shortcut By Name
scasi Insert AppleScript to Run Shortcut By Name With Input
scpop Insert PopClip Snippet Installation Script to Run Shortcut By Name
scicon Extract Shortcut Icon

Configuration Options

Configuration Description Default
Automatically Extract Icons Enables automatic extraction of Shortcuts icons when using the Elgato Stream Deck functionality. Checked
Save Shortcuts Icons Shortcut The name of the Apple Shortcut to run when carrying out an icon extraction. Only change this if you have a specific alternative shortcut to run or have renamed the original shortcut.

For further details, such as where to download the shortcut, visit the documentation link listed in the ‘about this workflow’ area.
Save Shortcut Icons
Edit Method Specify if you want to use the shortcut to use the command line utility or a URL scheme to open a shortcut for editing. Command Line
Default Shortcut Identifier for URLs Shortcut trigger URLs can use a URL encoded version of the name (Name), or the unique identifier (ID). You can specify which you would like to default to here. Name

Change Log

  • Version 1.5.1: 2024-05-07
    • Fix: Command line generation (to clipboard) to run selected shortcut should now accommodate shortcuts with spaces.
    • Change: Modified inline and external scripts to utilise /bin/zsh --no-rcs
  • Version 1.5.0: 2023-05-29
    • Add: Added option to use Shortcut ID rather than Name in generating Shortcut URLs.
    • Change: Expanded range of helpful websites available via schelp.
    • Doc: Removed snippet trigger text details as these are not shared to installable workflow.
  • Version 1.4.0: 2022-11-20
    • Change: AutoExtractIcon changed from an environment variable to user configuration.
    • Change: Icon extraction shortcut name changed from an environment variable to user configuration.
  • Version 1.3.1: 2022-09-25
    • Fix: Accommodate Shortcut names containing double quotes.
  • Version 1.3.0: 2022-07-24
    • Add: Added fallback search option for Shortcut running.
  • Version 1.2.0: 2022-06-19
    • Add: Generate PopClip Snippet Extension installation script.
    • Add: sc as an alternative trigger to scrun (added by popular request).
    • Change: Removed Alt routes on snippets as they can’t be easily triggered.
    • Fix: Corrected snippet suffix.
    • Fix: Corrected some snippet flow object notes to have correct content.
  • Version 1.1.0: 2021-12-04
    • Add: Support for Elgato StreamDeck.
  • Version 1.0.0: 2021-11-12
    • Add: Initial release, everything is new.

Bypass is just one of several Alfred workflows I have created. You can find more workflows and blog posts related to Alfred on my Alfred page